Getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol is dangerous. Law enforcement agencies across Texas go to great lengths to combat the drunk driving problem here. When an officer suspects that a driver is under the influence of alcohol, they often use...
Month: March 2024
Campaign aims to curb drunk driving during spring break
For many college students in Texas, spring break is a time to let loose and shake off the monotony of college life. Unfortunately, some spring breakers take the celebration too far and get behind the wheel while intoxicated. In an attempt to curb drunk driving crashes...
Determining the best criminal defense for drug-related charges
From the sale of a controlled substance and drug possession to drug trafficking and manufacturing, any type of drug-related charges can result in serious repercussions in the event of a conviction. Even if you’re only facing a misdemeanor, your future employment, your...
Common non-standardized field sobriety tests
When Texas drivers are pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol, officers will often ask to administer field sobriety tests to determine if the driver is intoxicated. The Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) consists of three different tests:...