A Prominent Criminal Defense Firm Serving Dallas, Fort Worth and North Texas

4 people arrested on drug charges after home search

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2023 | Criminal Defense

A person’s home should be a place where he or she can have privacy and peace of mind. When Texas residents are suspected of possessing illegal drugs, their homes are sometimes invaded and searched by law enforcement. One of the most humiliating experiences imaginable is being arrested in one’s own home, marched out in handcuffs and placed in the back of a police car. However, before law enforcement agencies can lawfully enter a private residence, they must obtain a search warrant or consent from the homeowner.  

Home invaded by police 

Recently in Brownsville, four people were arrested on drug-related charges after police invaded and searched a private residence. According to reports, the Brownsville Police Department Special Investigations Narcotics Unit and SWAT searched a home on the 500 block of McDavitt Blvd. Apparently, the home and occupants were believed to be involved in illegal drug activity.  

Authorities said they found and seized cocaine at the home, which also tested positive for fentanyl. Reportedly, three men and one teenager were arrested after the narcotics were discovered. Reports said the suspects were charged with the manufacture/delivery of controlled substances, possession of marijuana, engaging in organized criminal activity and other serious charges. 

There is help available 

Being charged with any type of criminal offense is a serious matter. Drug-related charges can have adverse and far-reaching effects on the accused individual’s family life, career and personal freedom. Those in Texas who are facing drug charges or other types of criminal offenses have options to help them defend against these allegations. By consulting an experienced criminal defense attorney, those accused can obtain much-needed guidance while ensuring that their rights are protected.