Theft crimes and other property offenses are not always violent crimes. Shoplifting, for instance, may be a simple theft crime. What distinguishes robbery from other theft crimes, however, is the violent element.
In order to understand robbery and what constitutes a robbery charge, the Texas statutes explain the conditions that a theft crime becomes a robbery.
Robbery involves property
To commit theft, your goal is to steal property. Property can be tangible or intangible. For instance, you could sever objects from the person’s land or you can steal documents or money that has value.
Robbery involves violence
Robbery is a theft crime. To commit robbery, there are specific rules that distinguish it from different theft crimes. If you cause bodily injury, then you are committing robbery. It does not matter if it is intentional, accidental or if you were reckless and caused the injury. Likewise, if you threaten a person or put him or her in fear of harm or death, then this is robbery. Robberies are second degree felonies.
Aggravated robbery involves more serious actions
Aggravated robbery differs from traditional robbery because you commit the robbery and cause serious injury to another person or use a deadly weapon to threaten the property out of a person’s possession. If you seriously hurt a person, threaten with a deadly weapon or cause a person to fear imminent injury or death, then this is aggravated robbery. In addition, if you rob someone who is over 65 years of age or disabled, this may also constitute aggravated robbery and you could face a first degree felony.