Every year, U.S. companies lose up to 50 billion dollars due to employee embezzlement. This type of employee fraud carries severe penalties. Not only can you face criminal charges, but the Texas company can sue you in civil court as well.
What is embezzlement?
Embezzlement is deemed a white-collar crimes, which means it is a nonviolent crime that in this case involves an attempt to obtain money for personal gain. Specifically, embezzlement often involves employees stealing, retaining or misusing assets that rightfully belong to their place of employment.
What are some common examples of embezzlement?
Embezzlement occurs in a variety of workplace settings. Common examples of embezzlement include:
• Forging checks
• Overbilling customers and pocketing the remaining money
• Cashing customer’s checks
• Setting up fictitious accounts to receive payments
• Stealing customer financial data
• Using company cards or accounts for personal use
• Taking funds from fundraisers
• Stealing company supplies
What are criminal penalties for embezzlement in Texas?
Public servants face greater penalties, and the amount of assets you embezzled also factors into your sentence. If you embezzle small amounts up to $1500, you will be charged with a misdemeanor and can receive up to one year in jail. If you embezzle greater amounts, you face felony charges and can receive between two years in state jail to 99 years in state prison.
Your place of employment can sue you for damages. As a result of the lawsuit, you can face garnished wages, property liens and seized property in order to settle your debt.
The state of Texas takes white-collar crimes seriously
You may be tempted to think of embezzlement as a crime that isn’t serious since it is a white-collar offense. But the state of Texas and your employers will likely view the charges as very serious crimes. Not only can you lose your freedom, but your future jobs, credit rating, and income may be affected.